The goal before us is to conduct a dialogue with the public and to raise awareness, through effective and consistent strategic communication, about NATO and the European Union, as well as about the dynamics of Georgia’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration processes and current issues.

Information Centre on NATO and EU

The main goal of the Information Center on NATO and EU is to engage our population in Georgia’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration processes and to gain their well-informed support. To achieve this goal, we choose effective, targeted communication and provide the target audience with objective information.


The Information Center on NATO and EU has been functioning throughout Georgia through its head office in Tbilisi and 10 regional offices for 17 years now. Our main target audience is made up of young people, teachers, local government officials, clergy, media and others. Special attention is also paid to those segments of the population that face special informational challenges, in particular, the language barriers, as well as to people living near the occupation line and in mountainous regions, others.

Every year, the Centre organizes about 800 different events tailored to the interests and needs of the target audience throughout the country.
We believe that our main mission – raising our population’s awareness about Western values, activating civil society and supporting its involvement in these processes, will make a significant contribution to the development of our country.

In pursuit of the goals set before us, we are actively and effectively cooperating with the representatives of the Georgian government, the non-governmental sector, the diplomatic corps and the media.


The Information Center on NATO and EU was established in 2005 to provide the population with comprehensive, objective information on Georgia’s integration with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and thus to gain the population’s informed support. In 2013, the Centre incorporated another domain – the European Union and the activities related to its information campaign. Since then, it has been referred to as the Information Center on NATO and EU.

The Information Center is a legal entity of public law, which has been subordinate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2017. The center was established by Presidential Decree N752 of 19 September 2005 and conducts its activities in accordance with the Constitution of Georgia, international treaties and agreements, the Law of Georgia on Legal Entity of Public Law , its regulations and other legal acts.

Our projects

Europe Days
Increasing awareness of Western integration and engagement in the regions of Georgia
Building an informed and resilient society
Project “European Holidays”
The presentation of the second phase of the project “Increasing awareness and engagement on Western integration in the regions of Georgia”
Summer School of the Information Center on NATO and EU
Summer School of the Information Center on NATO and EU
Let’s Meet Britain
Unity through Diversity
NATO-Georgia Public Diplomacy Forum
NATO – a choice for peaceful and stable development
Teacher – Guide to Europe
EUropean Cafe tour

From 2013 – to December 2023

events held
partner organizations

Our team

Our Centre operates throughout Georgia, and includes the head office based in Tbilisi and 10 regional offices. We believe that raising the awareness of our population about Western values, activating civil society and promoting its involvement in these processes will make a significant contribution to the development of our country. That is the reason why we are trying to reach out to every citizen.

Annual Reports

Infocenter Publications

Guide to NATO and the European Union
Myths about NATO and the European Union
What is NATO doing for Georgia
10 myths about the European Union
“Georgia’s European Way” magazine, 14th edition
“Georgia’s European Way” magazine, 15th edition
Adapting to new opportunities
13 myths about NATO
Georgia in international peace-keeping missions

Our partner organizations

Vacancy and internship

Exhibition and conference spaces of the Information Center on NATO and EU

The Information Center offers modern, comfortable and fully equipped spaces for holding events.

Contact details

  • Tel: +995 599 22 00 84

  • Email: