NGPDF 2018 Day 1 Session 4

On 30 April-1 May, LEPL Information Center on NATO and EU, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the support of NATO Public Diplomacy Division ,the NATO Liaison Office in Georgia and the Embassy of Bulgaria in Georgia organized NATO-Georgia Public Diplomacy Forum for the 3rd time in Tbilisi.

NATO-Georgia Public Diplomacy Forum provides a platform to discuss the important trends, strategies, best practices and new challenges in public diplomacy and government communication. Public Diplomacy Forum in Georgia puts into focus the countries of the region as well as NATO member states. The Forum features high-level speakers with valuable insights on public diplomacy strategies in today’s digital age from various countries (USA, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine). The Forum explores important tools of contemporary public diplomacy, the huge challenges of rapidly changing media and the need of increased resilience towards disinformation and propaganda.